Hatha Yoga Relax

Hatha Yoga Relax

February 13, 2025

Thursday Yoga Relax 6 PM TO 7 PM with Kamal Fanibanda ( in Italian and English)

Unwind with this session of Yoga Relax. The ateention will be focussed of giving the body and mind the opportunity to completely relax and let go of day to day stress. Postures will be mainly in a seated position or laying down on the back or abdomen. As well as the asanas there will be Pranayama.
This practice will help you restore your inner peace, feel lighter and calmer


class pass

Passes valid for any class

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Yoga Class 10.00 GBP

Select how many tickets would you like to have and click the below button to complete payment. Your eTicket will be emailed after payment to the provided e-mail address.


Monthly pass - 6 classes

6 passes valid for 1 month for any Online classes


Monthly pass - Unlimited

Monthly pass - unlimited Online classes within a month


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